
DesktopCal Desktop calendar app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

DesktopCal Abstract:

DesktopCal is a calendar utility that allows you to add appointments and notes right on your desktop. It is a freeware desktop calendar application that's straightforward, customizable and efficient.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Create schedules, to-do lists and more - Screenshot of DesktopCal
Create schedules, to-do lists and more.
Screenshot of DesktopCal - 2579px · 2033px
DesktopCal: User interface - Screenshot of DesktopCal
DesktopCal: User interface.
Screenshot of DesktopCal - 1950px · 1350px
DesktopCal screenshot
Screenshot of DesktopCal -
Size: 1950px · 1350px
DesktopCal screenshot
Screenshot of DesktopCal -
Size: 972px · 515px
DesktopCal screenshot
Screenshot of DesktopCal -
Size: 972px · 515px